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Museums Related to the Yellow River in Zhengzhou

2024-02-02   来源 : 社会

The Yellow River Museum in North Huayuan Road, Huiji District of Zhengzhou City is the only natural science and technology museum themed with the Yellow River.

The exhibition featuring Yellow River-themed here is divided into 5 sections in addition to the preface hall, demonstrating the history of the river like a vast treasure house.

In addition to the Yellow River Museum, many landmark buildings in Zhengzhou are inspired by the Yellow River.

Henan Science and Technology Museum photo/ Zhou Yong

For example, Zhengzhou Grand Theater is inspired by the "Yellow River" and "sailboat". The architectural appearance is based on the design concept of "The shadows of the sailboats on the Yellow River,are the boats of art". The whole building volume is surrounded by six giant ships' sails that are spread out in the wind, and sits on the platform with the momentum of the rainbow.

Zhengzhou Grand Theater photo/ Ma Jian

Another example is the new site of Henan Science and Technology Museum. The inspiration for the design has been taken from the confluence of the Yellow River and Luoshui River. The architectural form is like the natural shape formed by the natural intersection of the Yellow River and the Luoshui River.

So many landmark buildings with Yellow River elements, visitors as us could take the perfect Wechat Moments snap at these internet-famous sites happily.


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